George Clooney’s Sister Confirms His Sexuality

Confirmed bachelor

When you’re good looking, successful famous,unmarried and over 50 people tend to talk. If you’re an Episcopal minister in some small Maine fishing village then the jury would’ve come back with a verdict by now – even though you probably wouldn’t be either rich of famous. When you’re super star George “Mr Cool”  Clooney then the questions stays in suspense for years and years and years. What would possess a swinging bachelor to go on dating cocktail waitresses when he could throw away have of everything he’s ever achieved in alimoney alimony payments for perhaps one bad decision? Could George reeally be that smart, or is something amiss?

George is one sexy mystery

Well the question has now been answered officially, although probably not finally, by Big George‘s sister. She’s some out in a recent interview and ‘confirmed his sexuality‘. Now exactly what kind of orientation she confirmed is something that you’re gonna have to find out for yourselves – by watching the following short video from the good people over @ TMZ!

Does anyone remember LeAnn Rimes?  You should because she’s got one hell of a life. She was the youngest person to ever win a Grammy. She also has what’s considered to be the best female country voice in the business. She’s got another woman’s husband to call her own and hew brought his 2 kids along for the ride so she gets to be bonus mom for them. When she’s not being a Wonder Woman she takes time out to get photographed looking great in the kind of skimpy skin tight bikinis most women only wish that they could get away with. Naturally that’s a lot of pressure. When you combine it with a ton of public animosity spewing her way from social networking sites like Twitter (where she’s a popular target) sometimes it’s gets a bit much. So LeAnn recently had to take sometime off for rehab. Which is why you haven’t been seeing as much of her as you usually do. The good news for LeAnn fans is that she’s back out of rehab and on the loose! Here’s a little video to keep you updated.

LeAnn Rimes Wears Skin-Tight Mini

Fuck Twitter- – it’s when it hits Tumblr that you gotta worry!

You might say that anyone who pays serious attention to anything written about themselves on Twitter is just asking of mental health troubles. Then again the public can be kind of rough on their idols. So can the regular entertainment media and even those half assed bloggers! So when the pressure starts building up I can only suggest that LeAnn fall back on a few sage words by celebrity guru Andy Warhol – “Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.” Also be thankful that you don’t have the kind of troubles that get you talked about on Tumblrlike this!

Is it normal for my cat to lick my eyelids?
I think it probably is.  Cats have a totally different attitude to others bodies than we do, and seem to see nothing wrong in standing on our heads, climbing our legs, etc.  It’s all fair game, and eyelid licking, I would think, is covered under that general rule.
Cats do a lot of intimate face activities to claim family, like rubbing cheeks, sniffing each others noses etc.  They are greetings saved for only their closest and dearest.  I’m thinking the licking is a part of this, like little kisses.
I’ll feature it in a Cat Behavior post and see if anyone else has a kitty that does the same.

That was a real humdinger. It gets worse. because sometimes those weird problems come with pictures! Then you’re in a real bind.

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Modern Masters: Andy Warhol – Documentary – Artist

The Art of Celebrity is Teasing a Sluttish Muse

No one is still sure whether Andy Warhol put culture into pop, or pop into culture. He did make his mark, & a shit load of money. Hugh Grant, who’d been working in Hollywood for years playing shy cute English gents, before getting blow jobbed and scandalized in LA, has Warhol to thank for finally becoming independently wealthy in Hollywood. Back when he was starting out some one persuaded him to buy a Warhol print of Liz Taylor for about $250 000. Grant probably thought it would be a cool thing to do and a possible hedge against inflation. He eventually turned that over for about $18 million. So Hugh doesn’t need to work much anymore, which is good since he came out of that whole BJ thing a lot worse than former President “Bull” Clinton! Whether or not Warhol actually quipped “Who’s Art? I’ve never heard of him.” he did reputedly say that making money was the highest form of art. So let’s take a look at Andy: his life & times & his pretty freaky pictures!

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