Heidi Klum Dating Thomas Hayo?

cooling off and heating up

Remember Heidi & Seal? They made some headlines a little while ago when they announced their impending bust up. People were surprised because they seemed happy and grounded, plus they were touted as one of those celebrity super couples. “Super couple” doesn’t mean that they had super powers more so than the average celebrity, or wore costumes like Batman & Wonder Woman. Well not that we know of – as far as the costumes go; although what Heidi & Seal did in their spare time together is their own business except in as much as they are willing to share those details with the rest of us. In this case “super couple” simply means that they got along and worked well together – which makes a couple super by celebrity standards.

hectic news cycle

H&S moved to the back end of the gossip news since then because so much had happened: Gisele Bundchen spoiled the Superbowl, Angelina Jolie‘s leg ruined the Oscars by trying to escape from it’s owner’s revealing dress, Whitney Houston died unexpectedly and under mysterious circumstances, Megan Fox got pregnant about the same time her husband Brian Austin Green got sued because she goaded him into allegedly confronting a paparazzi – we’ll blame her condition for that, and there was the whole Kardashian mess. So your average Hollywood super couple can easily get lost in the shuffle. If the Lohan Crime Family had gone on a cross country spree like Randy & Evi Quaid allegedly did back in their colourful “starwhacker” period then the world would be saying “Heidi & Seal who?

there’s more to sex than romance

Fortunately for Heidi it’s taken something less extreme than PETA and a bag of flour to get her back in the gossip news. This didn’t even involve her getting hit in the face with a custard cream pie, though that would’ve gotten her into the news and all over youtube – so if there are any neglected celebrities hotties out there who are over eager for attention and don’t care how you get it then you know how now – *hint, hint*. In Heidi’s case it’s something as mundane as a relationship. Seems that Heidi is seeing a new guy. He was her co host on Germany’s Next Top Model. The guy has even met Heidi’s father Gunther. The man in question is allegedly Thomas Hayo, and here’s a short but informative video to give you a few vague details!

So that’s the deal on Heidi & Seal in so many vague details & with more filler material than Kim Kardashian‘s backside! Now whatever else you do remember to keeping checking out Wondertrash – the neglected hottie of celebrity gossip blogs!

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Heidi & Seal – tension escalating?

It’s been a mind boggling time for celebrity gossip – from Gisele Bundchen buggering the Superbowl to Demi Moore going to rehab after going to the emergency ward right up to the untimely passing of Whitney Houston. The result of the gossip overload is that Seal & Heidi Klum‘s divorce got blown straight out of the headlines and into the back pages right back there with Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry. The last time we heard anything from them Seal couldn’t get his wedding ring off because he was married to an amazing woman! Then Seal’s ex former supermodel Tatjana Patitz came out and said to Intouch that Seal ain’t the nicest guy in the world. In fact she claimed that he had anger issues and a tremendous ego. Then she went on to urge Heidi not to take him back! “There are children involved,” she warned.

The plot has thickened. It turned out that Seal may well have some issues. His relationship with wife Heidi even got “physical” at leas once. That was when he pushed her during a heated argument and had to be restrained by security. He might also be a little lacking in sensitivity to women. A female employee of his got sacked following a campaign to get her fired that seemed to have been provoked by her complaints about ‘sexual harassment’. Male crew members called her a hooker and claimed she slept with the boss. When she brought this to Seal’s attention he laughed it off. Seal even has a slightly criminal past – he used to deal pot and ‘advertise’ for hookers back in London (he posted their phone numbers in phone booths – no arrests).

Now there are reports that Heidi is ready to take the separation to the next level – by taking the kids. Reports have her ready to ditch the Brentwood pad shared with Seal and head back to New York. She was apparently blindsided by his ‘criminal’ past (perhaps because he wasn’t exactly in the mafia by the sounds of it, so some minor incidents might’ve been easy to miss – we’ll give Heidi a pass on this one). Seal’s ‘double life’ combined with his anger issues have lead Heidi to conclude that “his lifestyle and criminal issues don’t provide a ‘conductive environment’ for their kids” (quote from from Star, print edition, February 27, 2012). Since Seal plans to keep LA as his permanent base this could gear up into one fearsome custody battle between the former ‘golden couple’. For one thing the wedding ring is off! That could mean even more ‘startling’ allegations.

Tabloid journalism is about the stars. There are different sorts of stars. Some are the kind with big plastic sun glasses and big plastic lips. Some are the kind that send visitors to trailer park denizens who claimed that they tried to pick them up for hybrid breeding with the use of a tractor beam. Needless to say that trailer park meth is a scourge to North America and a boon to the tabs. It’s an ill wind that blows no good.

Anyhow with that in mind here’s a little something on the whole UFO phenomenon – “who are they?”, “where do they come from?”, and “why do they come?”. Basically the same old questions that still remain unanswered. They remained unanswered because the egg heads, like those Big Bang Theory boys, are unable to come up with nay solutions despite their many years of avoiding social contact through science. If they can’t make contact with intelligent life in this world then how are they gonna make contact with life from beyond it? However the tabloids are unafraid to go boldly and make contact with anything and everything intelligent or otherwise. So here’s a little wondertrash contribution to the issue!

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Scandal Saturday

Who let the Dogg out?

Snoop Dogg is not only out but on the grass (allegedly) in this recent youtube video (there was a little too much to be said to fit into Tweet form) where he had some wise words on the recent Kim Kardashian fiasco. Now play close attention cause you never know when this is gonna come in handy – especially if you start datin’ one of those reality TV stars.

He’s only sayin’ what everyone is thinkin’, right?

Cold blooded bitch” is a bit harsh. “A bit harsh” doesn’t make it untrue. InterestinglyKim Kardashian anagrams to I am a kind shark. With the hate fest in full swing it looks like that shark’s goose is cooked, that is unless she can find an inventive way of cashing in on all that ill will – & where there’s a will there’s away. Maybe she could appear publicly in a pillory and charge passerby’s to toss rotten fruit and vegetables at her. That is a basic motivation behind much reality type TV, which is really hi tech bear baiting minus the cruelty to animals!

Spice Girl


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When we last left Demi Moore she had been carted off to the emergency ward for something called whip its. Doing whip its is basically inhaling nitrous oxide to get high. People thought that this was a bit much because whip its are usually something that young people do; and Demi was expected to have the age, income, and sophistication to do better.

Then the 911 tape came out. That featured a ‘friend’ – and it’s always good to have a few in Hollywood just in case you start to code blue or something, some one who’s on the payroll but not in the will so they have an incentive to keep you breathing – saying that Demi took a bad turn after smoking something that wasn’t pot.

Current rumor is that it might have been Spice. Now Spice is a kind of herbal blend marketed as a legal marijuana substitute. Many forms are so mild that you can’t even get a decent buzz out of it. Others are sprayed with a toxic blend of designers chemicals that can leave you running to the toilet or on the way to the emergency ward fairly quickly!

Seal and Heidi are still in a crisis

With Demi Moore’s recent freak out and Fran Drescher‘s UFO abduction – she was chipped! – Seal and Heidi Klum‘s impending whatever nearly got lost in the shuffle. People were shocked at first because they always had made a big deal out of being so happy. Then people became quickly distracted. Part of the reason that folk may have got distracted was because it was no one was exactly sure what was happening. No one knew whether they were divorcing, taking a break, or reconciling.

Well here’s what we do know so far. Hedi initiated the split. Also the pair have a prenup. that comes in handy since Klum earned a healthy $70 mill. She’s got a few irons in the fire like a jewelry line and her Lifetime reality TV shows. Meanwhile Seal has a relatively paltry $15 mill.

Now it didn’t always used to be that way. When the got together back in 2005 the financial situation was more even. Klum was also knocked up and on the rebound from that Italian billionaire race car driver who dropped her like stale sour kraut.

Heidi’s had huge success since then. As said Heidi’s also the one who hired the lawyers. It’s kind of a truism that most relationships bust up over money. When one partner is worth about 5 times the other it could be a strain.

Then again as Heidi points out Seal does have a temper. She can’t give any specific examples of his temper problem – you know the kind of things that might frighten a woman like punching holes in walls, breaking things, or making threats – those mere trifling details that give people a clearer picture of what’s going on; even though she seems to feel pretty free in talking about the split up. He does have this Leica camera collection that he’s pretty fussy & picky about – oooh that monster!

don’t pay attention – play attention with Wondertrash!

So remember to keep reading Wondertrash and play attention cause like advice from the Snoop Dogg, you never know when it might come in handy!

Bogus zen: “People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to

Malcolm Muggeridge

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