Demi Moore Hospitalized

Demiconscious – was Ashton tired of a life of tranny tyranny and oppression?

may you live in interesting times – between rehab

Demi Moore has lead an interesting life. She was a major motion picture actress back in the 80’s and 90’s. Then she had a hi profile marriage to another major 80’s and 90’s personality, Bruce Willis. He’s the guy who sold your parents on Seagram’s Vodka Coolers with his cool Rat Packish charm. He and Demi were one of those power couples, like Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford, or later on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

truth or consequence – fake it or make it: if Burton and Taylor couldn’t do it then what chance did the real Anthony & Cleopatra have?

As much as everyone talks about soul mates, finding your significant other and completing that power circuit doesn’t make everything fall into your out stretched and eager hand. It didn’t work out for Marc Anthony and Cleopatra; nor even Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. That’s to say nothing of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Even a cutesy combo moniker like Bennifer didn’t save them. So eventually and for undisclosed reasons Bruce and Demi split up.

Too good to be true or too fast to last? Maybe just too naked to make it.

Demi went on to live a rich and full life. It was the style to which she was accustomed. She had after all appeared naked and pregnant (though not necessarily in that order) on the cover of Vanity Fair. So she was an unconventional ground breaker. Maybe that’s why she pounced on Asthon Kutcher with the fury of a hungry cougar on the hunt. To the world’s astonishment they got married. Meanwhile, as Asthon became MoD to her kids (that ‘my other dad’ and not ‘ministry of defense’, for our Brit readers), Bruce hung around smiling and supportive. They were often photographed together on vacation, at premiers, etc & etc, with a camaraderie that the Three Musketeers might have envied. If Bruce seemed like he was waiting in the wings then maybe he was asking himself what many others were thinking “How long can this thing last?”

2 1/2 men a re hard to find

It lasted longer than he might have expected, because eventually Bruce went off and got married. That’s okay cause Demi still had Ashton. That’s is until cracks started developing. Eventually, and at about the same time Ashton took over the lead in 2 1/2 Men, things came to ahead. it was announced that the couple were divorcing. Stories came out about open marriages – & to give them the benefit of the doubt maybe it was in the Newt Gingrich traditional family values GOP sense. Then the divorce talk began. Statements were made about unacceptable behavior. The kids announced that Ashton was no longer MoD. He had been demoted to ‘good looking creep that broke mom’s heart’.

more overhauls than the bionic woman

Now the people who had been asking “how long can this go on?” were asking “How is she gonna take it?” “Hard” seemed a pretty good guess. Demi had spent a ton on cosmetic surgery. As much as $600 000 by some accounts. Consensus seemed to be that this was an attempted to keep her much younger husband interested. There’s no refund on plastic surgery (& no undo button either). So she might have invested too much of herself in this venture.

inside out and outside thin – looking bad thinking worse

Well people were about to get there answer. Demi started looking thin. People began talking eating disorder, and some were no doubt thinking “under stress”. Some were probably thinking drugs worse. She gave magazine interviews in which she admitted to doubting her ability and worthiness to be loved. Then things really came to a head.

a gathering of superfriends

On Jan 11 Dems was out at an undisclosed spot living it up. She was surrounded by young celebs like Miley Cyrus, Pauly D (Jersey Shore) DelVecchio, and Brody Jenner. Only the presence of Kim Kardashian and a couple of Bachelorettes might’ve made that who’s who complete! In spite of looking ‘super skinny’ among the young and sexy, Demi managed to get totally trashed and wound up dancing on tables. Or at least an eyewitness tells US Weekly! She also got kinda friendly with young Ryan Rottman, of 90210 fame. There was some shirt unbuttoning and chest tickling involved, according to People, but you’re gonna have to hit that link to find out who unbuttoned and tickled whom.

the red pill or Red Bull?

On Jan 15 Demi accompanied her daughter Rumor out to Sean Penn’s Cinema for Peace Event Benefiting J/P Haitian Relief Organization in L.A. Maybe Demi was feeling a little wild and girlish, but she downed about 12 Red Bulls. She seemed glad to be out and ready to unwind. She took numerous pix on her iPhone and was glad to see anyone approached her. This might have been a reaction to a night out on the 13th when she ran into Ashton. That was an awkward run in at a West Hollywood Golden Globes party in which they spent most of the evening avoiding each other. Naturally a gal might need to blow off steam after that. Unfortunately Demi didn’t get it out of her system.

riding for a fail

If Dems was riding for a fall no one was coming right out and saying. Not until a couple of days ago at least. That’s when TMZ broke the news that Moore had been hospitalized. According to TMZ paramedics were called about 10:45 to come and make an appearance. She was assessed for 30 mins and then transported to a local hospital. Some reports said that there was a substance abuse issue (usually in Hollywood ‘substance abuse issue’ means an issue about which substance is being abused). Demi’s rep told TMZ

“Because of the stresses in her life right now, Demi has chosen to seek professional assistance to treat her exhaustion and improve her overall health. She looks forward to getting well and is grateful for the support of her family and friends.”

whip it!

The plot thickened. It was soon revealed that the ambulance got called after Moore had started doing whip its‘. For those not among the beautiful people – and I pity you! – ‘whip its’ are nitrous oxide! People of Demi’s age and income bracket don’t usually do them, but Demi has been hangin’ with a young fast crowd lately (remember when fentanyl lollipops were cool? That was a more innocent time). Apparently Demi had inhaled a dangerous amount and had a reaction. When she lapsed into semi consciousness a friend became concerned and called the ERT. According to some reports she even had the symptoms of a seizure!

Up-to-date, nihilist whiz hoaxes

Where does that leave Demi right now, besides ‘hospitalized with exhaustion’? Moore was cast in the new Linda Lovelace biopic, as Gloria Steinem (not that being offered Gloria Steinem instead of the Linda Lovelace lead depressed Ms. Moore, but it couldn’t have helped). She’ll probably have to bow out of that (ooh – a part for Katherine Heigl!). She’s got some issues to deal with before she can do movies. For one thing in addition to alleged substance abuse issues, the actress is also said to be dealing with anorexia. So it seems that Moore is on the road to rehab, if not recovery. At least there she may be able to get the treatment for issues including “exhaustion” she seems to need. After an intensely interesting life a rest can be as good as a change!

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From the Tabs

According to the upper right corner of this Life&Style Mag Heidi Klum is “Divorcing a Bully”.

Latest Gossip = Slap Egotists

In 1980 French psychic predicts 911, Obama presidency, 2012 alien contact.

Wonder Woman Love

Halle Berry’s Ex Investigated for Child Endangerment

Beautiful people get pretty ugly

Once upon a time in Hollywood

Once upon a time in an enchanted kingdom called Hollywood a beautiful movie queen met a handsome prince and swept him off his feet. Everyone carried on like the pair were the king and queen of the prom. Then they had a kid together. Then things went sour and they went their separate ways. That’s the part where the storyline diverges from Brangelina.

the couple in question

The couple in question were Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry. When they split up people were shocked but not too shocked. It’s kind of the way people felt when Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher busted up. Halle and Gabby seemed to be handling the bust up well and even agreed on joint custody. Then Halle got a film job down in South Africa.

where’s King Solomon when you need him?

Halle had to go away for 3 to 6 months and planned to take baby Nahla with her. Now Gabby wasn’t having any of that. So he suggested that Halle leave the tot with him while she clued up her movie making. Halle wasn’t any more pleased about leaving her daughter for 3 to 6 months than he was. So there was a stalemate.

father go farther

Now being mature reasonable people they managed to hit upon an ad hoc arrangement. Halle would take Nahla to South Africa and Gabby would come along for the ride. She’d pay him to be the child’s care giver – kind of like a nanny – and they’d live under the same roof. In the event that living under the same roof became unbearable then Halle would rent a near by villa for Gabby. Nahla could stay there with her father during the day while Halle did her close ups. Perfectly sensible arrangement that only required large sums of money to pull off (It might have been even more reasonable if she’d rented the villa from the start, instead of waiting to see if things became unreasonable)!

this is gonna take a while, and Katherine Heigl, so you know it’s getting nasty

So it seemed like our estranged super couple were working it out. Then some where along the way they fell out again. Just recently stories started surfacing about Halle and Gabby heading off to court for a flat out knock down drag out custody show down! Like I said, this has been building up for awhile.

On Jan 31 2011 – that’s about 1 year ago if you’re following the Halle Gabby timeline – People Mag reported that Halle was headed to court. Her objective was full custody of daughter Nahla. She was so serious that she dropped out of the lead in New Years Eve. That was good news for Katherine Heigl, who got to replace her. Halle was determined because in the words of her reps and lawyers –

“Halle has serious concerns for her daughter’s well-being while in the care of her father for any extended period of time and is prepared to take all necessary steps to protect her. She has attempted to resolve these custody issues amicably with her daughter’s father, Gabriel Aubry, directly, but given his lack of cooperation, Halle has no choice but to seek swift judicial intervention. Halle has always made the needs and safety of her daughter her first priority and, both while Halle and Gabriel were a couple and since their break-up, Halle has only acted in her daughter’s best interest.”

the cruelest month & Kim Kardashian included!

Now to you or I that might sound like the kind of half baked statement that comes out of the usual PR cookie cutter. However it preceded and interesting back and forth between Halle & Gabby. At 1st Gabby, by way of People Mag, claimed that the allegations were untrue & irresponsible. He claimed that he was being maigned, and tat he didn’t wanted to be dragged into some dispute over one of Halle’s films. Then D Listed & TMZ got in on the act. Basically the story that came out through those outlets was that Halle had issues. While she was dating Olivier Martinez, to whom she is now engaged, Aubry claimed that she was not over him. She was possessive & objected to him dating other people, and would even phone him up in a rage. Halle responded that Gabby was crazy and jealous. Needless to say Gabby was disappointed by Halle’s response. Feb 2011 was a rough month for them. There was even a Kim Kardashian angle. Here’s brief recap:

From People: Team Berry says that Halle got mad when Gabriel started dating amateur porn star and role model to our youth Kim Kardashian, because she didn’t want a reality star in her daughter’s life. Meaning Halle was afraid that the cameras that constantly follow Kim would catch her daughter and she’d end up on TV. Yes, because Nahla can sign her own releases. However, Team Aubry says that Nahla never laid eyes on the twin warthogs clinging to Kim’s ass.
1 point for Team Aubry

From TMZ: One of Gabriel’s ex-girlfriends has put a white cone on his head by saying that he’s bi-racist and always used racial slurs against black people. Gabriel’s ex, who dated him for 2 years, says he never beat her ass, but he treated women like shit.
2 points for Team Berry

From TMZ: Team Berry is going hard on this one. Sources close to Halle have added possible “child abuse allegations” to Gabriel’s rap sheet by saying that Nahla always hysterically cries when he picks her up for visits. Halle constantly has a “something in the milk ain’t clean” moment whenever she sees Nahla with Gabriel. Nahla seems scared of her own father and Halle thinks something wrong is going down. The child touching and/or child whoopin’ seed has been planted.
1 point for Team Berry

From Radar: Because this whole disaster is the second coming of OctoSana & Mad Mel, Team Gabriel says he has recorded tapes of Halle RAGING at him in her crazy bitch voice. Team Gabriel says that since he’s an upstanding moral man of integrity (served on a bed of lukewarm sarcasm noodles), he’s not going to release the tapes to the media. Gabriel is saving them just in case shit gets really real REAL in their custody fight.
1 point for Team Aubry

From Radar: So much for that “no leaking” rule. Radar magically got a hold of an e-mail Halle allegedly sent to Gabriel during one of her jealous meltdowns. Halle’s e-mail reads, “You were only good for one thing…Thanks for the donation.” Hey, that’s the same thank you note I get in the mail whenever I put a dollar in the tithing basket at my mom’s Catholic church. Team Gabriel also adds that he did call Halle a “fucking bitch” when she “provoked” him, but he’s never thrown a racial slur at her. In fact, Team Gabriel swears that he kept calm and quiet whenever she screamed at him on the phone.

history repeats it’s self in current events ‘here we go again’ agony

Luckily they got through Feb and the rest of the year. There were a few minor court skirmishes but things carried on as if they were normal. That brings us to current events. 3 year old Nahla was visiting her father when things took an odd turn. Seems Nahla didn’t want to go to school that day and Aubry let her off the hook. When nanny Alliance Kamdem showed up she wanted to know what the deal was and things got heated. Nanny claims that Aubry pushed, while she was holding Nahla. So naturally that lead to child endangerment charges.

Nanny Alliance

It lead Halle, with her nanny, back to court. She’s asked a judge for a restraining order. The order is to prohibit Aubry from any contact with Nanny Kamden until the child endangerment issue is resolved. That could be tough to resolve since nanny Kamden is making allegations about Aubry yelling and screaming and Nahla, which causes her to cower in fear. Kamden also claims Aubry makes young Nahla sit in a corner in his condo. To that end the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services is also conducting a child endangerment investigation. Kamden claims she fears retaliation from Aubry.

“insufficient and speculative” – just like a blog!

As of now the restraining order is out. The judge called the petition “insufficient and speculative.” One further development, Kamden has quit her hi profile nanny job with Berry.

“The thing that attracts people to “The Sopranos” is the family element. It shows that America still has a longing for that traditional upbringing.” Christine O’Donnell

photo from the skull cave

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Miranda Kerr as Wonder Woman on Grazia Magazine

I think you’re gonna love this, Miranda Kerr as Wonder Woman! – cause those satin tights are the down undies you like!

Now here’s Miranda in a short video to explain how she got herself into this super heroine-ish predicament!

In other news Seal fills Ellen DeGeneres in on the Heidi Klum situation.

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14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen or citizen?

Latest Gossip = Slap Egotists

Sean Penn on the ‘Disease’ of Celebrity


Lovey dopey

Weekend whispers had celebrity couple Seal and Heidi Klum going their separate ways. Apparently recent ski trip to Aspen wasn’t as lovey dovey as might have been hoped. Some sources said that there was screaming and fighting, and described the couple as having hit a rough patch. By Sunday there were more rumours that the split might not be official, and even only a short break. The couple were under the same roof at that time.

Now it’s official. Heidi Klum has released the following statement:

“While we have enjoyed seven very loving, loyal and happy years of marriage, after much soul-searching we have decided to separate.

“We have had the deepest respect for one another throughout our relationship and continue to love each other very much, but we have grown apart. This is an amicable process and protecting the well-being of our children remains our top priority, especially during this time of transition.

“We thank our family, friends, and fans for their kind words of support. And for our children’s sake, we appreciate you respecting our privacy.”

No one is coming right out and saying what busted them up; scuttlebutt makes Seal out as a hard partier with a temper. Who knows, that might just be divorce talk. Divorce talk is advance spin in anticipation of a showdown or in other words “the blame game“.

Just because Heidi and Seal are splitsville now doesn’t mean things can’t work out. Take Chris Brown and Rihanna for instance. They had a bad bust up. By bad I mean there were pictures, particularly that one of Rihanna’s battered and bruised face. People ever thought that they would ever get back together again, what with Chris being an in human monster and everything.

However sometimes these things are a little more complicated than we like to believe. According to the Superficial they are back together again. Back together means in the same place at the same time. The place was Greystone Manor in West Hollywood. Both came and went separately: Rihanna in her car and Chris in his with his current girlfriend. However there have been rumours of them secretly hooking up for about a year. Then there’s the Twitter evidence. If Riri has pulled this kind of shit then it might be bye bye for her career, cause the public might want a refund on the support.

That’s one confirmed bust up and one alleged reunion so far. Simon Cowell evens the scrore. Simon was hanging around with some broad recently named Mezghan Husseiny. They even made their arrange legit by way of an engagement. That engagement is now off.

Cowell met Hussenity – a make up artist – back in 2010. He blurted out that she was “the one” on a talk show. Cowell later regreted the statement, and said

“I have been pretty good about not talking about my private stuff, but I got caught up in the moment,” he said of his declaration of marriage-mindedness. “I don’t really know where I am at the moment, and that is why I don’t talk about it.”

Cowell also hints that the relationship might not be completely over –

“It is quite a complicated relationship,” he told the Daily Mail. “We have had a break from each other, and we are still incredible close.It’s not on, it’s not off, it’s somewhere in the middle. I don’t know if I will ever get married, but I am happy.”

Someone else who has complicated relationships is Kim Kardashian. Kim is most definitely not happy though. That’s odd because she reportedly bagged about 20 mill in various payoffs for her 72 day marriage. The late great Anna Nicole Smith would’ve been doing cartwheels over a deal like that. In Kimmy’s case her inner emotional turmoil may have something to do with everyone hating her. They cynical public things that Kim’s marriage may have been some kind of money making publicity scheme! When did America lose faith in their entertainers?

Anyway Kim Possible felt the need t set the record straight in some weepy recent co hosting gig with Kelly Ripa. She claims that she never dreamed that she could get herself into so much shit just by following her heart. In fact she said “ ‘I really didn’t think following my heart would create this much backlash.’She insisted she ‘tried everything’ to make the relationship work, adding: ‘I want that forever love, and if I feel in my heart this isn’t right, then why wait years to have the same results?’ She then went on to talk in terms of “rewriting my fairytale“. I don’t think insulting people’s intelligence is gonna help her cause any.

Kim was lucky to get that co hosting gig. She’d probably love to make it permanent because she could use every break that she can get. However don’t worry about her – Kardashians always come through. Why I hear that Team Special K are working on several fall back plan B’s to ressurect their group image right now. They’re coming up with great stuff too like launching Khloe up in a home made weather balloon from their back yard, and then posting video of panicky Kardashians calling 911 to youtube. If that doesn’t work Kim does know a nice doctor, one who can shoot her more of more embryos than Octomom ever dreamed of! Now here’s that Kelly meets Kimmy video!

BTW the Kelly Ripa thing wasn’t the one where Kimmy actually allegedly broke down. That was the interview in which she did on Kourtney and Kim Take New York.

So the moral of the story seems to be that romance can be a challenge even when you got looks and a whole lot of money, and maybe even more of a challenge with the rest of the world watching. Don’t give up hope, there are still wonders to behold!


The View From Space Jan 21

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