National Enquirer confirming Angelina Jolie ‘suicide attempt’

In fact the National Enquirer is planning to feature Angelina Jolie’s latest emotionally charged crisis on next week’s cover (Has anyone called in Child Protective Services yet?)! What’s really shocking is how much Brad Pitt is starting to resemble Jolie’s ex Billie Bob Thornton! It’s like she kissed him and changed him from a prince into a frog. Life must be rough.


Elisabeth Hasselbeck pulls another boner

This morning on The View, while interviewing actor Stanley Tucci on his new film, Elizabeth Hasselbeck asked him if his wife had seen the movie. Tucci’s wife died from cancer in April.

courtesy of OhNoTheyDidn’t & SnarkyGosssip


Hugh Grant Opens Up

Did You Hear About the Morgans? – You will

“Opens up” means talks about his new flick with Sarah Jessica Parker. They play an estranged couple who reunite over the holidays. Some personal stuff does get discussed; basically middle age and mild alcoholism. He’s still got his wit and charm though.
