Jon Gosselin’s NYC Apartment Trashed

It’s being reported that Jon Gosselin’s NYC apartment has been trashed. By trashed I mean the place supposedly looks like it was run through a blender. Every article of clothing, along with bed sheets and pillow cases, were cut to ribbons. His TV, DVD and Wii, along with other personal items, were smashed. Also Jon is claiming that a Ming vase “over 100 years old” was broken to bits. Now I’m not gonna accuse Jon of padding the insurance claim. I only hope that his priceless collection of van Goghs and DaVincis made it. BTW there was a rambling note pinned to his door with a butcher’s knife that mentions his former gal pal Hailey Glassman by name!

Is Kate Gosselin a cutter?

In other news Kate Gosselin has been dropped from her new show “Momlogic“. Kate was supposed to be featured in the show along with Lee Woodruff, Rene Syler and Paula Deen (of the Food Network). Though it was intended to by based on The View, producers decided that Kate was too hot to handle, even for that format. So she was dropped, and her quest for world domination was once again thwarted. Kate must’ve been mightly pissed off at that news. She may even have been mad enough to slash a pillow or two – who knows? She doesn’t seem like the type to go away quietly.

BTW – Brooke Mueller claimed – in her now recanted police report, that Charlie Sheen threatened her with a knife. Full story @ TMZ.


Golden Globe Nominations 2010

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“Safe & calm”? “Santa really delivered this year”? It’s almost as if she’s dropping some kind of hint. I wonder what she could mean?
